This Doka-NG release Version 2.3.3 contains among others,
• Changes for SWIFT 2023 interbank messages.
• Enhancements for compliance handling and accruals.
- [Improvement] - SR2023 outgoing interbank: Shipment fields 44A, 44E, 44F + 44B. Extended Size + Format change.
- [Improvement] - SR2023 incoming: 24G length, width and format changed 'Delivery to/Collection by'.
- [Improvement] - SR2023 incoming: New 57A +57D in seq.C: : 'Advise Through' Bank.
- [Improvement] - SR2023 incoming interbank: Shipment fields 44A, 44E, 44F + 44B. Extended Size + Format change.
- [Improvement] - SR2023 REOSWH: Reorganize alternative mappings.
- [Improvement] - SR2023 INFGID Print of undertaking must contain new GI fields.
- [Improvement] - SR2023: Amendment support 39F supplementary info to additional amount.
- [Improvement] - Translation: Label corrections in Spanish UI.
- [Improvement] - SR2023: additional amounts handling of contracts issued pre SR2023 activation.
- [Improvement] - SR2023: Copy Over of Additional Amount & Tolerance fields from seq.b to seq.c & vice versa.
- [Improvement] - SR2023: Add a prompt to ask user if he want to reset 39F narrative.
- [Improvement] - SR2023: 39F allow either Code Words OR narrative but no mix.
- [Improvement] - SR2023: No Defaulting of Country Name to new Country sub division field & panel changes for country sub division.
- [Improvement] - SR2023: Amendments to 44J.
- [Improvement] - SR2023: Add field comments to new fields.
- [Improvement] - SR2023 outgoing: DTA: 44J replaces 44H and add Country sub-division.
- [Improvement] - SR2023 incoming / outgoing allNETT: 44A/E/F/B Shipping Routing Fields.
- [Improvement] - SR2023 allNETT - Export LC: i. 44E and 44F.
- [Improvement] - SR2023: REOSWH - improve error log.
- [Improvement] - SR2023 Score incoming: Shipment fields 44A, 44E, 44F + 44B. Extended Size + Format change.
- [Improvement] - SR2023: DTA incoming: Shipment fields 44A, 44E, 44F + 44B. Extended Size + Format change.
- [Improvement] - SR2023: Character Set Check not working for overlong shipment fields.
- [Improvement] - SR2023 outgoing: LITOPN Back-to-Back: Warning for Shipment fields 44A, 44E, 44F + 44B. should be grouped together.
- [Improvement] - SR2023 incoming DTA: G01, 20E in Seq.B + Seq.C with new code INVO.
- [Improvement] - SR2023: Formatted fields GIDGRP\FMT... for additional amounts and tolerances for undertaking text (ATX).
- [Improvement] - SR2023: GITAMEP Improve warning texts for tolerances.
- [Improvement] - SR2023: Update transaction name of REOSWH to Reorganize Alternate Mappings.
- [Improvement] - SR2023: Additional changes to 39F amendments.
- [Improvement] - SR2023: Update field comments for Country sub division GIDGRP\REC\JURCSD & JURCSDC.
- [Improvement] - SR2023 allNETT: Updated xsd.
- [Improvement] - Compliance: Direct Rejection of eliminated contracts due to sanction hit.
- [Improvement] - Compliance: False positive compliance handling.
- [Improvement] - Accrual: Combobox for selection of GLE entry types.
- [Improvement] - Accrual: Accrual with unpaid commission.
- [Improvement] - Problem sending Emails from DOKA.
- [Improvement] - API: DOKA enhancements for DBAXRT API.
Bug Fixes:
- [Bug Fix] - XXBCAN - Automatic Closing.
- [Bug Fix] - Product: BRTDCK - error in default for case of rejection of doc set.
- [Bug Fix] - CICD: GENTMO in CICD execution keeps old existing log.
- [Bug Fix] - Product: Write better SYSDBA Log for Check on Table COU in case sequences are used.
- [Bug Fix] - Product: DBxMNU changing the language removes open changes.
- [Bug Fix] - Created from: Formula Injection.
- [Bug Fix] - SCF: Invoices in RFTOPN, IATPOP - Multi Input does not copy the data from the multi input panel to FBD grid.
- [Bug Fix] - Product: QUETSK - Dump when a contract is processed that has a currency unavailable in the CUR table.
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023: Additional Amounts field not synchronized from seq.b to c if purpose code is changed.
- [Bug Fix] - SaaS: SaaS flag protected in entities which are not main.
- [Bug Fix] - SaaS: DBIETP Compliance config is not saved to customer ini.
- [Bug Fix] - SCF: SWITSK - make upload of RCF Receivables Invoices more robust.
- [Bug Fix] - Product: Dump when removing direct rejection flag.
- [Bug Fix] - Product: Dump 130 when updating Masterfile infotext in transaction.
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023 incoming DTG + Score: To correct alternative mappings that contain 39D tag.
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023: Additional Amount in target sequence is not calculated in case positive tolerance is synced.
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023: Advise Through Bank is invisible for paused contracts of GITOPN & GITAME.
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023: GITAME- Message pop-up when Additional amount is updated does not disappear when "OK" is clicked.
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023: Additional amounts warning for SR2023 visible when SR2023 off.
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023: GITAME (Seq.C) Label for TRNMOD\SWIADD\ADDAMTCOVC not visible fully.
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023: GITAMR - Additional Amount in seq.C is deleted.
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023: AMETXTC not updated when party "ATC" is added in seq.C.
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023: Add.Amount seq.B and C - Suppl.Instructions, Modify text checked when Copy from contract.
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023: Old Content displayed in LETAME for Shipment Details Fields.
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023: additional amount block open in GITOPN - but Modflg not set.
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023: GITOPN - JURLAWTXTC default displays wrong content on screen.
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023: GITAME Issues with additional amounts seq.b & seq.c.
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023: GITAME Additional Amount Covered Free Text not editable if SR2023 is OFF.
- [Bug Fix] - API: obfuscation functions fails for some characters.
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