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Release Notes - Ver 2.3.4 - May 15, 2023
This Doka-NG release Version 2.3.4 contains among others,
- Completion of SWIFT 2023: Full functional scope of interbank messages and corporate channels, i.e. Score, allNETT, DTA, BOLERO messages.
- New batch processing transaction for Participation commissioning (PABCOM).
- Enhancements and fixes around Accruals.
- [Improvement] - Product: New batch transaction participation commissioning PABCOM.
- [Improvement] - SR2023: DTA incoming - Check G09, new Tag 31R ("Requested New Date of Expiry of Local undertaking".
- [Improvement] - SR2023: allNETT - 44J - Governing Law/Jurisdiction.
- [Improvement] - SR2023: allNETT - 24-Delivery To/Collection By.
- [Improvement] - SR2023: allNETT - 39F Supplementary Information about Amount.
- [Improvement] - SR2023: Smartforms, TradeConnect, Easy Send Incoming: Shipment fields 44A, 44E, 44F + 44B. Extended Size + Format change.
- [Improvement] - SR2023: Redesign of Additional Amounts on Amendments panel.
- [Improvement] - SR2023: Changes to Score MT798<758>.
- [Improvement] - SR2023: Support new SWIFT 2023 fields for Compliance checking.
- [Improvement] - SR2023: Score Incoming Testing of New Tag 31R ("Requested New Date of Expiry of Local undertaking").
- [Improvement] - SR2023: Bolero outgoing 422 message (GITAME/ GITRAM).
- [Improvement] - SR2023: Bolero incoming 419 message (GITAME/ GITRAM).
- [Improvement] - SR2023: Bolero ini-file changes in BOLSUP23.INI and BOLTXT.ini.
- [Improvement] - SR2023: Bolero outgoing 423 message (GITPOP, GITOPN).
- [Improvement] - SR2023: Bolero outgoing 466 message (LITOPN).
- [Improvement] - SR2023: Bolero outgoing 489 message (LITRAM, LITAME).
- [Improvement] - SR2023: Bolero incoming 460 message (LITOPN).
- [Improvement] - SR2023: Bolero outgoing 461 message (LETOPN).
- [Improvement] - SR2023: Bolero outgoing 472 message (LETAME, LETRAM).
- [Improvement] - SR2023: Bolero incoming 429 message (GITOPN).
- [Improvement] - SAAS - Interest day calculation to not consider the last day for loans and advances.
- [Improvement] - SR2023: Add mapping for DTG G09 with Switch ON for GITSET.
- [Improvement] - Accrual: ADD ACR to sector Reports.
- [Improvement] - Add/update Spanish literals for SR2023 Master_2.
Bug Fixes:
- [Bug Fix] - Accrual: COBACR should run based on committed transaction (Merge).
- [Bug Fix] - Product: Advance (BP) under Transfer Docs (BT) has slow performance in transaction BTTSET.
- [Bug Fix] - Product: Make naming convention of error-folders in file system consistent.
- [Bug Fix] - Product: ROLPAY in ENGP und ROL/DSP in SETPAN differ if CHATO BEN + OTHER.
- [Bug Fix] - Product: Problems in Guarantee Commissions (GICX).
- [Bug Fix] - Product: IBAN not accepted if IBAN country code is different from ISO country code.
- [Bug Fix] - Product: Archiving - Behaviour if queue is full seems to be incorrect.
- [Bug Fix] - Target2: Tag 21 reference is missing in pacs messages.
- [Bug Fix] - Accrual: Accrual happens for the minimum commission.
- [Bug Fix] - Target2: Import Target2 (IMPTAR) and check Target directory (CHKTAD).
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023: Additional Amounts Part2 - To be checked after redesigning of fields are done.
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023: Score 712<765> Inc. Msg transactions put "to correct" does not restore manually modified input.
- [Bug Fix] - Product: "StreamPrint" does not work for HTML5 (in Log Versions).
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023: Dump while saving GITPOP transaction with Additional amount.
- [Bug Fix] - Product: Maturity date in Finance creation (TRTCRE) does not show the contract currency holiday.
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023: Additional amounts checkbox in seq.c disabled.
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023: Mapping for Tag 22G 712<765> for SR2023 OFF missing.
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023: GITOPN Issues identified in Additional Amount field.
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023: allNETT D2A message for incoming guarantee amendment does not include changed tolerances.
- [Bug Fix] - Product: Settlement Payment Messages (MT756 + MT 202 Cover) generated in BRTPAY transaction for Usance LCs.
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023: Redefaulting of Seq. C additional amount flag.
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023: Additional Amounts-GITRAM/GITAME- Error when add.amt is not set in XXTOPN transaction but set in amendments.
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023: GITAME- Additional amount is not cleared, liability not reversed when deleted in Amendments.
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023: Additional Amount fields not saved correctly after GITAME.
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023: German Text in English Score message MT798<757> tag 71E.
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023: GITRAM cannot be saved due to error "The contract cannot be confirmed by more than 100%."
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023: allNETT - Amendment changes on tolerance not reflected.
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023: In SWIFT OFF Seq.B & Seq.C -Tolerance fields are visible in Amendments.
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023: allNETT- Amendment changes on Delivery To Details not reflected.
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023: Additional Amounts - Warnings to be updated in Amendments.
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023: allNETT - In Guarantee Amendments not all additional amendments are included.
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023: allNETT - Label for new Delivery To Information on allNETT panel visible with SR2023 OFF.
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023: allNETT - Delivery To Information is not getting cleared.
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023: Bolero Incoming 429-ISCO Mapping Delivery To Information.
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023: Bolero 429 in SWIFT ON - Subdivision mapping in Counter undertaking missing.
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023: Additional Amount field in OFF is already "Supplementary Information about Amount" instead of "Additional Amounts".
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023: Outgoing Bolero 423 from GITOPN contains wrong Jurisdiction in Counter Undertaking.
- [Bug Fix] - SR2023: Additional Amounts amendment: Trigger the event to copy Tolerances when incoming message is loaded.
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