This Doka-NG release Version 2.3.5 contains among others,
Corrections in accrual and interest calculations.
MS Azure Cloud support for outgoing emails.
[Improvement] - Translation to Spanish: Create manual images for Syndication business sec. & some other images for Spanish wiki.
[Improvement] - Email Config: Question on SMTP Configuration.
[Improvement] - SR2023/ allNETT: Update allNETT Master with SR2023 changes.
[Improvement] - SAAS: Configuration - Checkbox in DBxSYS to exclude interest calculation of last day for Loans and Advances.
[Improvement] - Accrual: Bug in Accrual - With exclusion of last day for interest calculation.
[Improvement] - SaaS: STP processing of MT730 in LITADD deactivated for SaaS clients.
[Improvement] - Email Config: MS Azure Cloud mail integration - send mails.
[Improvement] - Accrual: For foreign currency contracts accrual to happen in commission currency.
Bug Fixes:
[Bug Fix] - Product: Incomplete MT768 (Guarantee Ackn.) due to missing mandatory field.
[Bug Fix] - Product: Incoming Message Manager (MQITSK) - Error not logging in EVT Table as an Error.
[Bug Fix] - Syndication: Not possible to do several SDTBUC and missing Syndication Status Booked in Unfunded.
[Bug Fix] - Product: Common message under Guarantee (GITFRE) - modification flag in the message receiver resets party.
[Bug Fix] - Accrual: Negative sign to be corrected in accrual entries in GLE booking panel in INFxxx
[Bug Fix] - Loans: Trade Loan Commission - Arrears/Advance - Interest Calculated is not correct on the Due date that results in the Error/Warning Message "Interest on balance cannot be calculated yet: From date >= Until date in IRTCAL.IRTMCCCAL".
[Bug Fix] - Loans: Trade Loans - Accruals not Calculated & Settled on Loan Commission(TRCX) that are Settled in Advance for Foreign based Currency transactions.
[Bug Fix] - SaaS: Dump Issue needs to be handled for the duplication of reference number.
[Bug Fix] - Product: Guarantee Amendment trn GITAME - Value "xxx" cannot be displayed due to keytable restrictions.
[Bug Fix] - SR2023: Dump in LETNOT due to missing ini file.
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