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Release Notes - Ver 2.3.6 - June 19, 2023
This Doka-NG release Version 2.3.6 contains among others,
- Important bug fixes.
- RIVO/ allNETT enhancements.
- Rate import enhancements especially for SAAS clients.
- Updated Product Overview.pdf based on DOKA-NG 2.3
- [Improvement] - Updated Marketing Material with latest DOKA-NG 2.3 release details.
- [Improvement] - RIVO/ allNETT: Add FTP channel to RVO/ANT services.
- [Improvement] - SAAS: Import of Rates (IMPXRT) per Entity Group.
Bug Fixes:
- [Bug Fix] - Product - all common messages trns xxTFRE: "modified"-flag will deleted in contract PTS if "send to"-role is changed.
- [Bug Fix] - allNETT: Error while executing CHD service for allNETT customer.
- [Bug Fix] - SWIFT 2021 fix: Score 719 changes the purpose of a Guarantee contract (correction in PURPOS).
- [Bug Fix] - SWIFT 2021 fix: Role Intermediary Beneficiary (BEC) to be restricted to party type "Bank" in GITP.
- [Bug Fix] - SWIFT 2021 fix: GITPOP-MT760 mapping of Confirmation Party.
- [Bug Fix] - SWIFT 2023: For SR2023 OFF - Shipment fields should be defined as viewtype edit with no viewlength.
- [Bug Fix] - API: Import static data via API in SMCTSK either "add new" or "modify".
- [Bug Fix] - Product Diary: LITFRE diary loops.
- [Bug Fix] - allNETT: Correction of mapping for incoming allNETT Standalone Payment in ANTmap.ini.
- [Bug Fix] - RIVO/ allNETT re. add FTP Channel to RVO/ANT Services. Downloaded files are not removed on remote.
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