'Finance Base Documents' are the set of documents that are used in the Supply Chain business ,
Uploaded/approved by the “buyer” to it's bank that needs to be financed to the “supplier” with respect to business sector Approved Payable Finance (APF)
Uploaded/sent by the “supplier” to it's bank that needs to be financed to the “supplier” with respect to business sector Receivable Finance (RF).
These document types can be handled:
Invoice or
Debit Note or
Credit Note
To display finance base documents for a buyer and supplier pairing, that will be used in connection with Approved Payable Finance and Receivable Finance, Transaction DBIFBD is used.
Select it from the menu item[Static Data -> Parties -> Other -> Finance Base Document].
(Users can also directly start this transaction by clicking the (Launch transaction ) available in the Panel headline without having to select the relevant menu)
All finance base documents are associated with a buyer and supplier pairing.
To select the documents based on the pairing, buyer and supplier must be selected. In order to select an existing party, at least a part of the party name has to be entered. Alternatively, the parties can be searched by clicking the icon .
Each document contains a status and the user can also filter the documents based on the status by selecting it from the selection criteria.
The following transactions can be started from this transactions,
DBAFBD - Adding a new Finance Base Document
DBEFBD - Modifying a Finance Base Document :
This transaction is used to edit a finance base documents for a buyer and supplier pairing, that will be used in connection with Approved Payable Finance and Receivable Finance.
Only documents with statuses “Registered”, “Approved” and “In Dispute” can be modified from this transaction, remaining statuses cannot be modified here as those are either already offered or financed and any change must go through the business transaction.
- For status “Registered” and “Approved”, details such as Type of Document, Reference Number, Amount, Due Date and Status can be updated.
- For status “In Dispute”, only details such as Status, Date Disputed and Dispute Reason can be updated. This is due to the fact that the user must not necessarily go through the business transaction Repayment to just update the status of the document for it to be paid.
DBDFBD - Deleting a Finance Base Document :
This transaction is used to delete an existing Finance Base Document for a buyer and supplier pairing, that will be used in connection with Approved Payable Finance and Receivable Finance.
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