[Bug Fix] - Loans: Do not copy Past due Stage when copy contract is used.
[Bug Fix] - Guarantee: Default in transaction Free Message(GITFRE) that disables the narrative for Stop Auto Extension moved to level 5.
[Bug Fix] - Bolero: Print charges only if no error and amount debited>0.
[Bug Fix] - Reports(xxxGEN): default column heading text truncated.
[Bug Fix] - Maintaining Contacts: Contact selected under desired party must be correctly picked.
[Bug Fix] - Smartforms: SmartForms with older version to be moved to the Error directory.
[Bug Fix] - Guarantee: Update guarantee expiry only after Amendment transaction(GITAME) is saved.
[Bug Fix] - Compliance: Additional fixes to include third parties, goods code etc. in the XML.
[Bug Fix] - Payment Undertaking: Migrated contract using transaction PUMOPN does not save amount.
[Bug Fix] - MGRTSK: Application dump when executing EML service.
[Bug Fix] - Target: Dump created in TAX services when non-Target authenticated bank used.
[Bug Fix] - Swift: Change the Directory name for Swift received similar to Swift Sent.
[Bug Fix] - Parties: Minor changes to get data via interface.
[Bug Fix] - Payment Undertaking: Recalculation of fee not working in Amendment.
[Bug Fix] - Fee: Unable to change Fee Description.
[Bug Fix] - Import Collection & L/C : Value date defaulting moved to level 5 for XXTPAY transactions.
[Bug Fix] - CBPR+: pacs.009adv- Label Instr.Agt.Acc. removed and Instrd.Agt is receiver and printed.
[Bug Fix] - MQITSK: Dump while importing via fileact.
[Bug Fix] - Syndication: After Pausing SDTRAM Transaction all {OLD….} Resolvers (placeholders) related to the amended fields from associated parent LE Contract display new content.
[Bug Fix] - Maintenance: dump error when settling charges in transaction Import L/C Settle charges (LITFEE).
[Bug Fix] - System Value Set- Add missing index for SVS.
[Bug Fix] - Swift: Error while processing one-part Score messages with attachment.
[Bug Fix] - Guarantee: Seq B Additional amount values are auto captured in Seq C as well in Opening transaction.
[Bug Fix] - Guarantee: Update Reference of Advising Bank ATB :56.: when DOKA-Bank = ATB to Own reference for outgoing Issuance (760) & Amendment (767) messages.
[Bug Fix] - Approved Payables:Update IACX commission in mymodelbank to "in advance"/ Check why IACX is set to "at end" in IATOPN.
[Bug Fix] - Translation: Make panel SEP Info visible in Info transaction.
[Bug Fix] - Maintenance: Daily messages to error folder: Error Out - Fails on retry.
[Bug Fix] - Structured Infotext: Struc. Infotext not displayed, if same party is inserted twice.
[Bug Fix] - Structured Infotext: Display of attachment not possible in adding & modifying an Address Association transaction.
[Bug Fix] -MQITSK: Error corrections.
[Bug Fix] - Guarantee: German literal updated in Guarantee Amendments.
[Bug Fix] - Guarantee: "Seq.C: Add. Amounts" panel not displayed directly in Opening transactions.
[Bug Fix] - Guarantee: Mapping of Tag 52A to Applicant from the incoming bank to bank message (MT760).
[Bug Fix] - L/C: Printouts of RIVO messages empty.
[Bug Fix] - Guarantee: Delivery to Address in green letters & “Old context was:” empty.
[Bug Fix] - Guarantee: Error on Field “Choice of Text” after break.
[Bug Fix] -Task Manager(MGRTSK): Unable to untick "Activate hash" checkbox in MGRTSK allnett.
[Bug Fix] - SAAS Accrual Report: ACR table column values does not populated in the Reports.
[Bug Fix] - Guarantee: Pop Up Windows and Warnings regarding deletion of add. Amount checkbox.
[Bug Fix] - Maintenance: Incorrect display of UTF-8 characters.
[Bug Fix] - Structured Infotext: Party on Settlement Panel for Guarantee Claims.
[Bug Fix] - Guarantee: Mapping tag 31E(New Expiry date) of Guarantee letter of demand(MT765 ) for Swift, Score, DTG.
[Bug Fix] - Guarantee: Error with Field expiry condition in Amendment transaction.
[Bug Fix] - Guarantee: Mapping of seq.c Advising Bank to Role ATB in seq.B panel for ISCO bank to bank incoming.
[Bug Fix] -Loans: Label updated for Interest days in Opening Transaction.
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