This DOKA-NG release Version 2.4 contains new features, enhancements on the existing product functionality and technical enhancements and also various bug fixes,
The product is now enhanced with configuration capabilities mainly on General Ledger(G/L).
With this change, it is now possible to configure the product-based liability accounts for the business modules and also to maintain and configure the general ledger output file settings.
- [New feature] - Audit Trail
- Accounting Entries (GLE) for Accrual booking.
- DOKA API module (DNGAPI) - extension, standardization & versioning.
- [Improvement] - DNGAPI: Enhance SMC for static data processing (New SPT status for API automatic handling).
- [Improvement] - User Profile: Add help text for Document editor flag (DOCEDTFLG) in transaction Modifying User Profile(DBIUSR).
- [Improvement] - Bolero: Import L/C: Rerouting of incoming 460 to LITOPR added.
- [Improvement] - SLA: Change target calc from minutes to days.
- [Improvement] - Customer Info: Display telephone + fax number of address in Customer Info (ptsshw).
- [Improvement] - Audit Trail: New postprocessing task SLFTSK to analyse the changes and feed a table.
- [Improvement] - Audit Trail: New data tables to track all changes.
- [Improvement] - Import Limits: IMPLSB : Importing Limits Transaction.
- [Improvement] - Reserving Reference (CONRES) : Additional requirements for Transaction Reserving Reference Numbers (CONRES).
- [Improvement] - Swift MT756: WS_GI&GC_GITSET - Incorrect reference in MT756 – TAG21.
- [Improvement] - Guarantee: GIT Smart Forms for guarantees.
- [Improvement] - Codetable: Merge new Static data system for Codetables.
- [Improvement] - PARTY (DBxPTY): Straight Through Panel: Name Saving Bank and BEN not in the database.
- [Improvement] - Compliance: Functionality to mark False Positives.
- [Improvement] - Accrual: GLE booking for accrual entries in respective contracts (Settle at the end).
- [Improvement] - Incoming msg mapping : New panel in DBISWH for configuring conditions.
- [Improvement] - TARGET2 RTGS: Analysis pacs.008 changes (v3.0) for 2023-03-20 go-live
- [Improvement] - TARGET2 RTGS: Analysis pacs.009 changes (v3.0) for 2023-03-20 go-live
- [Improvement] - Swift CBPR+: validation on empty tags
- [Improvement] - Data Export: DBAREF - Option to EXTRACT and IMPORT
- [Improvement] - CBPR+: Handling of charges in CBPR+ (DEBT & CRED)
- [Improvement] - Migration: Migration transactions xxMOPN / xxMDAV xxMSCC etc
- [Improvement] - DOKA-NG Menu: Add scroll buttons when the menu tree exceeds the available space
- [Improvement] - Participation: Decimal value in Percentage field size increased
- [Improvement] - Participation module: New transaction for Commisioning PATCOM
- [Improvement] - Participation Module: New batch transaction participation commissioning PABCOM
- [Improvement] - Syndication: Created from: TRAFIPOSO: Syndication funded: MQ Message for each booked in funded liability row needed
- [Improvement] - Incoming Mapping: Introduced "Export ALL" option in DBISWH
- [Improvement] - Syndication : Possibility to see Party Information through the 'magnifying glass' of the respective party
- [Improvement] - Contract view: Parties panels to be shown or Information through magnifying Glass for the Contract to be expanded by a magnifying glass for each party
- [Improvement] - Email Config: SMTP Configuration
- [Improvement] - Accrual: GLE booking for accrual entries (Settle in Advance)
- [Improvement] - Task Manager (MGRTSK): Add TestButton to SendMail pages
- [Improvement] - Guarantee: GITOPN-Guarantee Standby Received Swift Message 768
- [Improvement] - Payment Undertaking: Transaction PUTCOM is missing in Menu
- [Improvement] - Compliance: Direct Rejection of eliminated contracts due to sanction hit
- [Improvement] - SaaS: Configurable General Ledger - Creation of DBIPRA
- [Improvement] - Accrual: GLE Booking: Combobox for selection of GLE entry types
- [Improvement] - Accrual: Accrual with unpaid commission
- [Improvement] - Reports CCRGEN: Several additional details added to reports
- [Improvement] - Import L/C: When issuing an L/C info message is also sent to more liability parties other than applicant
- [Improvement] - Emails outgoing: WindowsClient issue solved in connection to registered credentials
- [Improvement] - Manual contract: Copies of MT499 and MT799 are no more changing the message type (MCTFRE)
- [Improvement] - RIVO: Mapping of RIVO guarantee party roles to DOKA-NG
- [Improvement] - DTA/DTE: Create Settlement message for fees in case there are any fees settled for a DTA/DTE customer
- [Improvement] - Compliance: False positive compliance handling
- [Improvement] - General task handling: Tasks can now also be assigned to User Groups
- [Improvement] - DNGAPI: Enhancements for Exchange Rate API (DBAXRT)
- [Improvement] - STATIC DATA OTHER - DBIXRT Maintain Exchange rate
- [Improvement] - STATIC DATA OTHER - DBIUSR Maintain User Profile
- [Improvement] - Commission Transactions (xxxCOM): If Deferred Commision is used, existing payments are calculating updates now better
- [Improvement] - DNGAPI: Export L/C products : JSON structure updated
- [Improvement] - Technical: Manager for data import (IMPTSK): File Handling for AWS improved
- [Improvement] - SAAS: Interest day calculation considers the last day for loans and advances
- [Improvement] - DNGAPI: Guarantee products : JSON structure updated
- [Improvement] - Accrual: ADD ACR to sector Reports
- [Improvement] - Static Data 'Country CTY': Missing fields added to 'long/complete' print out
- [Improvement] - SAAS: Configuration - Checkbox in DBxSYS to exclude interest calculation of last day for Loans and Advances
- [Improvement] - Import L/C: Migration with Reimbursing Bank corrected
- [Improvement] - Export L/C: Migration improved
- [Improvement] - Report Generator: Enhanced to extract >99 columns
- [Improvement] - Accrual: Bug in Accrual - With exclusion of last day for interest calculation
- [Improvement] - Static Data Services : Update all Json Structure
- [Improvement] - DNGAPI: Business Data Services : JASON structures updated
- [Improvement] - GIT: GENTMO rewrites Sources only if "main" is selected
- [Improvement] - SaaS: STP processing of MT730 in LITADD deactivated for SaaS clients
- [Improvement] - UI/UX: Text module selection improvements
- [Improvement] - Finance Product Services : Update all Json Structure
- [Improvement] - GENTMO: Add Error log to GENTMO log
- [Improvement] - DNGAPI: Payment Undertakings, Manual Contracts, Clean Payment Products Services: JSON structure updated
- [Improvement] - DNGAPI: System Administration Services: JSON structure updated
- [Improvement] - Basic Settings Services : Update Json Structure
- [Improvement] - SRVCCI/SRVCCS: Convert current logic into DOM technic
- [Improvement] - DNGAPI: Switch for XML<->JSON added
- [Improvement] - Compliance screening: Regular monitoring option in SPTCRE transaction
- [Improvement] - Email Config: MS Azure Cloud mail integration - send mails
- [Improvement] - Accrual: For foreign currency contracts accrual to happen in commission currency
- [Improvement] - SAAS: Import of Rates (IMPXRT) per Entity Group
- [Improvement] - Enhance the transaction to include module list or Transaction for Export
- [Improvement] - Incoming MQ Message Manager (MQITSK): Enable to use different channels for different services
- [Improvement] - MyModelbank: Updation of holiday calendar for EUR + USD up to 2028 (DBxTDH)
- [Improvement] - Print: add Duplex options to SYSPRT
- [Improvement] - Incoming Message Manager (SWITSK): New checkboxes for unzipping / removing Score file attachments in SRVSWI
- [Improvement] - Payment Undertaking: Defaulting of Close contract checkbox updated for transaction PUTSET
- [Improvement] - Migration: Enable PUMOPN in MIGTSK
- [Improvement] - Interface: Sequential Search Interface Operations
- [Improvement] - Reports: Enable JSON as output format for reports
- [Improvement] - CBPR+: Enhance length of mail address and user name to 140
- [Improvement] - Productize SSO Login
- [Improvement] - Key Figure Pool: Entity external key issue fixed
- [Improvement] - CBPR+: Incorrect usage of INGA and INDA? (Swift KB5025118)
- [Improvement] - Standard Reports: Outstanding/Open contracts report
- [Improvement] - Standard Reports: Bills Maturity report
- [Improvement] - Standard Reports: Reports for Import L/C, Export L/C , Guarantees
- [Improvement] - Technical: Delete unused frames
- [Improvement] - Report generator: New Option to Trim columns
- [Improvement] - Configuration: Account defaulting via Config file
- [Improvement] - Reorganize Mappings: Transaction REOSWH translated to Spanish
- [Improvement] - Guarantee: Translation to Spanish - validation for Supplem.Information (39F) in Guarantee opening (GITOPn) & Pre-opening (GITPOP) transaction
- [Improvement] - Guarantee: Translation to Spanish -Advise Through Bank(Tag 57 of seq.C) of Guarantee Issuance message MT760
- [Improvement] - Guarantee: Translation to Spanish - Warning for Validation of Form of Undertaking in seq B and C
- [Improvement] - Correspondence:Document Management System Integration
- [Improvement] - Guarantee: Translation to Spanish - For fields: Undertaking Sen to, Delivery To/Collection By, Delivery to Address in transactions GITOPN & GITPOP
- [Improvement] - Advance:New transactions BPBCOM and BPTCOM
- [Improvement] - L/C: Translation to Spanish - Translate field 78D in transaction Export L/C opening( LETOPN) and Transfer L/C (LTTOPN)
- [Improvement] - Technical library:Add Verbose Flag to the SMTP config Panel
- [Improvement] - Guarantee: GIT- Additional Amount Mandatory check only with /ADAM/ and /INTR/
- [Improvement] - Score-Interface: imported files are not useable
- [Improvement] - Mail Integration:MS Azure Cloud Mail integration
- [Improvement] - Target2 : Target2 Outgoing Message Interface
- [Improvement] - Guarantee: Different type of commission calculation for GI - memorandum accounts
- [Improvement] - DNGAPI: Limit interface
- [Improvement] - Advance: Create Advance (BP) directly from Export L/C document set (BE), avoid double liability booking
- [Improvement] - UI: Length of Parties panel extended
- [Improvement] - Cleanup: Time booking ticket for cleanup of IMPROVEMENT.API23 EPIC
- [Improvement] - DNGAPI: Past Due Loan(TRTLAT)
- [Improvement] - Background Managers: New prompt to restart managers after config changes
- [Improvement] - Print: Manual print of messages from HTML5 client
- [Improvement] - SFTP Authentication via Certificates
- [Improvement] - Limit Import(IMPLSB): Logs include corresponding country/party limits when Headquarter limits are imported
- [Improvement] - Create Advance from BETPAY - Testing
- [Improvement] - Config option to restart only selected managers by SYSWDR
- [Improvement] - Managers: Revaluation solution
- [Improvement] - Array support functions for DOM
- [Improvement] - Export L/C Document: Align fields on Funds Settlement & Interest Details panel always Visible in BETPAY
- [Improvement] - Export L/C Document: DPF/AKF Liability types for Advance
- [Improvement] - Technical: code changes on clnmod module
- [Improvement] - SIC / EuroSIC : SIC / EuroSIC Platform latest standard changes
- [Improvement] - allNETT : Technical change on UUID for XML messages
- [Improvement] - Configuration: no use of Specials characters
- [Improvement] - SaaS: Configurable GL - Configuration for Liability account setting
- [Improvement] - Compliance Check Service(SRVCCS): Labels are in German, must be changed to literals and translate to English
- [Improvement] - Compliance: Release of 4 eye principle from Office vs SPTREL
- [Improvement] - SaaS: New transaction DBIGLC to configure GLE output file
- [Improvement] - IMPLSB : Importing Limits API
- [Improvement] - Limit interface - Solution direction
- [Improvement] - SaaS: All functions for new transaction DBLGLC/Print form
- [Improvement] - SaaS: Adding DBxGLC & DBxPRA in ATP and Menu
- [Improvement] - SaaS: Documentation for new transaction DBxPRA
- [Improvement] - Configurable General Ledger: GLE Service(SRVGLE) should use Format of the GLE Output (DBxGLC)
- [Improvement] - Participation: Decimal value in Percentage field size increased
- [Improvement] - Reference number for Score messages not copied to connected contracts
- [Improvement] - Export L/C Document: Advance(BPCX) commission calculation is incorrect
- [Improvement] - Advance: Recourse Checkbox is enabled but does not allow user to set in BPTAME
- [Improvement] - Advance: BPTCRF transaction closes both FIN & DPF liability
- [Improvement] - Create Advance for Sight & Mixed Payment
- [Improvement] - Include contract number for Sending and Receiving of Swift Messages-XML
- [Improvement] - BETPAY: Temporary Settlement is not available when create advance is set
- [Improvement] - Performance Test:Add features/ optimize SYSPER
- [Improvement] - Categories: Technical change to move CTIINF-Panel into module ctimod
- [Improvement] - Accounts: Incorrect Display of Account name
- [Improvement] - Audit Trail: Report Generator
- [Improvement] - Audit Trail: Merge new SYSMOD functions
- [Improvement] - Audit Trail: SLFTSK-Handle Field and record deletion
- [Improvement] - Report: New Report for the Utilization survey
- [Improvement] - Configurable General Ledger:Updates to DBxPRA features
- [Improvement] - New Static data system: profiles for Codetables STH
- [Improvement] - Translation: Translate all new literals to Spanish
- [Improvement] - Product Code: Copy field values from DBIPRD to DBIPRA
- [Improvement] - Configurable General Ledger: INFPRA corrections for German UI
- [Improvement] - CBPR+: For DNG 2.4: Update to latest live XSDs for ini and ini.tst
- [Improvement] - Database: Search for DBUpdate without SLG *part 7
- [Improvement] - Database: New module SYSSDB for all Database access rules
- [Improvement] - Audit Trail: Static Data with RECGRP, general implementation
- [Improvement] - Guarantee: GIT-new flag "URDG" in DBxATX with correct text selection
- [Improvement] - Audit Trail: DBxPTA, PTY
- [Improvement] - SYSCLN: Add SLT/SLF
- [Improvement] - TRMOPN: Loans import for DNG
- [Improvement] - Transaction Configuration: A new diary example for DBxATC (No Change)
- [Improvement] - TRMOPN: Loans with Parent import for DNG
- [Improvement] - SYSCLN: Add SLT/SLF follow up
- [Improvement] - CBPR+: ISO 20022 Configuration of SXO adjusted
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