This DOKA-NG release Version 2.4.01 contains enhancements on the existing product functionality and also various bug fixes,
- [Improvement] - DBISTH: Block edit of system codetables for SaaS user.
- [Improvement] - Third party reference to be moved from parent module to child module (ex: LI to BR).
- [Improvement] - GIT: Add "-prod" flag to GENTMO.
- [Improvement] - Show GIT production Info in SYSINF/SYSDUMP/Info Popup.
- [Improvement] - DBxFEE (FEE): Last-Day Exclusion Issue in TR Loans from Export LC Document Set.
- [Improvement] - Audit Trail: Rollback of transactions / TRNCORM.
- [Improvement] - Audit Trail: for DBxAPF.
- [Improvement] - ORDGEN: Report for Utilization Survey GI updated.
- [Improvement] - SYSTDT: Interface 14-04-03_Orga-DB_DOKA-NG.
- [Improvement] - DBIMNU: Plug for Customer function added.
Bug Fixes:
- [Bug Fix] - L/C amendments (LI + LT) with MT707: For deleted text-fields add the code DELETE.
- [Bug Fix] - Amendments: Shipment Date not cleared when Shipment Period is entered.
- [Bug Fix] - SLFTSK: wrong SLT\FCT for CBS entries.
- [Bug Fix] - Audit Trail: SLFTSK for DBEREG did not create entry.
- [Bug Fix] - Audit Trail: Different behavior for Static Data Delete with / without 4 eye.
- [Bug Fix] - SWIFT x99 Message: New block field with 1200lines/50char introduced for Tag79.
- [Bug Fix] - TRTAME: Error when trying to change instalment plan in a loan.
- [Bug Fix] - DBxETY Lower characters for EXTKEY allowed?.
- [Bug Fix] - SYSIXU: Increase field length of field DWNFILPTH.
- [Bug Fix] - SYSIXL - incorrect determination of CLIENTIP.
- [Bug Fix] - DBYSTH shows an extra text in PANHEA header.
- [Bug Fix] - Issue recognizing Additional Applicant Parties from A10 to A15 in liability.
- [Bug Fix] - BRTSUS: allnet output not generated for allnett clients.
- [Bug Fix] - Transaction lost from the work tray when user closes the screen.
- [Bug Fix] - Audit Trail: Diary is not in SLT after rollback.
- [Bug Fix] - DBIMNU , error on invisible field.
- [Bug Fix] - Structured Infotext: for Intermediary + Account with Institut. are not displayed in GITSET.
- [Bug Fix] - SaaS: Solution Consulting Reports dumping.
- [Bug Fix] - GIT: GENXFS requires enhancements for usage in GIT context.
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