This DOKA-NG release Version 2.4.05 contains enhancements on the Compliance handling via RIVO and API, new transaction CONCCS to handle compliance approvals, improvements for SCF in transactions 'Creation of program' and 'Document pool' and also various other bug fixes.
- [Improvement] - SCF: Handling of documents added via DBxFBD for APF or Receivables.
- [Improvement] - Static data: DBAACK Adding an Acknowledgment Entry.
- [Improvement] - SCF: Release button in trn 'Create program/ pairing' (CREPFP, CREPSB).
- [Improvement] - SCF: Enhancements to Creation of program (CREPFP).
- [Improvement] - Compliance: Config Flag for "Compliance via RIVO".
- [Improvement] - Compliance: Technical connection to RIVO.
- [Improvement] - Compliance - trn CONCCS: New transaction for manual compliance update.
- [Improvement] - CBPR+: Pacs.008 and pacs.009 default as Serial when Paying Bank is 'Connected'.
- [Improvement] - Export Finance Dossiers: Enhancement to rule 'modified following'.
- [Improvement] - API: DNGAPI add import of invoice file.
- [Improvement] - API: AUTMOD- Standardize and reorganize the sources.
Bug Fixes:
- [Bug Fix] - Settlement: In SESPAY undefined documents are used.
- [Bug Fix] - Static Data User Maintenance (DBxUSR): Problems selecting USR in multi entity.
- [Bug Fix] - Guarantees - Common message trn: Incorrect issuer bank/field 52A of MT759 in trn. GITFRE.
- [Bug Fix] - CBPR+: pacs.009 defaulted fields when MT756/MT400 RCVCOR is deleted and filled again.
- [Bug Fix] - CBPR+: error for TRI field when RCVCOR is filled in MT756 or MT400.
- [Bug Fix] - All Edit Reference trns. (xxTADD): Disable OWNUSR magnifying glass.
- [Bug Fix] - CBPR+: camt.106/camt.105 outgoing - Total amount is not correct if different currency is used.
- [Bug Fix] - Migration Export Documents (BEMDAV): Unable to save the contract.
- [Bug Fix] - System settings (DBISYS): Dump when trying to access tdpara.ini on server.
- [Bug Fix] - DOKA crashes on execution TDCurlMultipartPost function.
- [Bug Fix] - SCF: Issues in trn Maintaining Financial Base Documents (xxxFBD).
- [Bug Fix] - SCF trn Maintain Finance Program (DBxPFP): Working capital options to be open.
- [Bug Fix] - Target2 RTGS payments: Remove error value date>10 days in future from Temporary Settlements.
- [Bug Fix] - Handling System Updates (SYSUPD): Cannot determine unique key.
- [Bug Fix] - Correct Application dump after entity change in transaction.
- [Bug Fix] - Product: Issues with Size of Stream Fields.
- [Bug Fix] - Amendment trns (XXXAME): Field "Adding/Deleting Text in Current Amendment" not reflecting changes in SWIFT outgoing message.
- [Bug Fix] - API: RSTMOD- Bug in AccountWrapper URL creation fixed.
- [Bug Fix] - Manual contract- Common Messages (MCTFRE): Error "Path for Output in tmp partition" (\RPTSUB\OUTPTHTMP).
- [Bug Fix] - CBPR+ : RequestSubType doesn't match with the BizSvc.
- [Bug Fix] - Export LC- LECX commission: Error on invisible field 'Date-2' on panel.
- [Bug Fix] - CICD DNG Test Compile with warnings.
- [Bug Fix] - Close Import Collection (BCTCAN): Trn does not generate integrated (Close) message for Shipping Guarantee.
- [Bug Fix] - Settling Import LC Documents (BRTSUS): When using ''Book out Peak Amount'' the amount is not correctly reduced from Liability.
- [Bug Fix] - System Settings: Not possible to add more currencies to TDPARA.ini due to error.
- [Bug Fix] - Handling System Updates (SYSUPD): Cannot determine unique key for FND .
- [Bug Fix] - Handling System Updates (SYSUPD): XMD Columns with Double Fields.
- [Bug Fix] - Document Editor, "Edit Logic", rule Body is disabled.
- [Bug Fix] - Handling System Updates (SYSUPD): Revert change for "XMD Columns with Double Fields" (PostGreSQL DB with several schemas in one DB).
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