This DOKA-NG release Version 2.4.06 contains enhancements on the Compliance handling via RIVO and API, new transactions DBxAPC for API configuration and INFAPC and also various other bug fixes and smaller enhancements.
- [Improvement] - Compliance: Response from RIVO/LESTR.
- [Improvement] - CBPR+: Autoconversion of camt messages when receiver of the message is 'Connected'.
- [Improvement] - CBPR+: Autoconversion of pacs.008 and pacs.009 when receiver of the message is 'Connected'.
- [Improvement] - DBxAPC: New static data transaction DBxAPC for API Configuration.
- [Improvement] - DBxAPC: Add config panels to "Print" and in DBLAPC.
- [Improvement] - Convert UNIX timestamp to datetime.
- [Improvement] - Interface 43-07-13 LINUX Mailrelays.
- [Improvement] - Support "Proxy" in SYSTDC functions.
- [Improvement] - Watchdog: SYSWDR option to remove the manager from the log.
- [Improvement] - Trade AI: product-level changes.
- [Improvement] - Compliance: Doc-handling in combination to discussion on TradeAI interface.
- [Improvement] - Compliance: Rename options in Compliance flag dropdown in DBxSYS.
- [Improvement] - Compliance: Documents for compliance check (DNG204).
- [Improvement] - Compliance: Display of ini file in DBxETP has to be updated with active flag.
- [Improvement] - API: delete multiple RSTMOD instances.
Bug Fixes:
- [Bug Fix] - SYSMGR not restarting background manager.
- [Bug Fix] - Addresses: ADR\EML was extended and does not fit to PTM\CORADR.
- [Bug Fix] - SYSDBA: DB2 problems with migration script.
- [Bug Fix] - SYSSQL: No Table-Information in panel.
- [Bug Fix] - SYSUPD doesn't recognize schema in Postgresql DB.
- [Bug Fix] - CONCCA: Dump due to maxStepCount.
- [Bug Fix] - Settlement: Fee is defaulting as advise now, despite being configured as store in pool in DBIFEE.
- [Bug Fix] - SLA: Calculation of Target Date and Buffer Date is considering bank holiday as a working day.
- [Bug Fix] - Dump Error in BETPAY.
- [Bug Fix] - RIVO Json LITDCK (Receive Documents under Import L/C).
- [Bug Fix] - Compliance: Enhance Error Handling in SRVCCS.
- [Bug Fix] - SYSTDC: problem in 'tdcgetdata' reading multiple chunks.
- [Bug Fix] - Document Editor: Rule changes are not displayed as modifications.
- [Bug Fix] - Report Generator: USRGEN Dumps when any User Login Properties are used.
- [Bug Fix] - SYSUPD: Content is decoded twice, ATC config broken.
- [Bug Fix] - Swift specification MT734 MT752.
- [Bug Fix] - DBxPTY: Literals overlap.
- [Bug Fix] - API: Not handling Error in RestCall function.
- [Bug Fix] - DBIATC: Transaction closes without any Information due to wrong config.
- [Bug Fix] - API: API configuration (RSTMOD) in interface test transaction (INTTST).
- [Bug Fix] - Export Collection: BOTAME- Change of collection condition to `Free of Payment`.
- [Bug Fix] - SYSINI seems to lock EVT counter.
- [Bug Fix] - Workflow Manager: Dump when processing a SWT service in MGRTSK.
- [Bug Fix] - Compliance: SRVCCS - CCS was set to DONE though "RestPost" set an error.
- [Bug Fix] - Document Editor: DBIXMR doesn't allow to delete a specific document rule.
- [Bug Fix] - GIT: Enhance GENXFS for usage with GIT.
- [Bug Fix] - Error CacheRead(Obcject not found) appears and stops from processing any transactions.
- [Bug Fix] - SYSTDT - files having filenames with non-ascii characters cannot be accessed by library functions.
- [Bug Fix] - DBIAPC shows wrong method?.
- [Bug Fix] - General ledger: data displayed in transaction INFGLE.
- [Bug Fix] - CONCCA cannot handle GLE with TRNINR "ACR".
- [Bug Fix] - Compliance: Functional problem raised by customer.
- [Bug Fix] - Remove Customer Identification Number (CID) in the log files.
- [Bug Fix] - Compliance: GITOPN Response from Lestr is missing.
- [Bug Fix] - PDX step must skip warnings (follow up 5848).
- [Bug Fix] - MQITSK incorrectly stopping and tablelocks.
- [Bug Fix] - Audit trail: SLFTSK doesn't start.
- [Bug Fix] - SWIFT Msg MT759 fails in Validation.
- [Bug Fix] - REPORT: Liability Commission name BPCX is not displayed in BPRGEN report when commission is settled At End.
- [Bug Fix] - Compliance: Minor adjustment to Compliance Check implementation.
- [Bug Fix] - Acknowledgements for SXO not registered / stored.
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