If a limit (or a line of credit) is Non-revolving, it cannot be re-used for the defined amount.
If a limit (or a line of credit) is revolving, it can be re-used for the defined amount.
Example 1: Revolving Limit
Limit = 100.000,- –> A credit of 70.000,- was canceled. –> Afterwards, the new limit is set to 100.000,- again; the previously available limit was 30.000,-.
Example 2 : Non Revolving Limit
Limit = 100.000,- –> A credit of 70.000,- was canceled. –> The new limit is reduced to 30.000,-; the previously available limit was also 30.000,-.
While creating a limit below highlighted tick box field is used to decide whether it is a revolving or non revolving Limit.
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