What is SFTP ??
The Security File Transfer Protocol is client /server standard communication protocol used to transfer computer files from a server to a client on a computer network.
Why SFTP ??
In most instances, SFTP is the best choices when dealing with the manipulation of larger quantities of data. Rather than simply giving one-way access, SFTP services allow users an enormous amount of control, and this can be extremely beneficial to individuals and business which update regularly.
It has several common use cases, including the following:
Backup : SFTP can be used by backup services or individual users to backup data from one location to a secured backup server running SFTP services.
Replication : Similar to backup, replication involves duplication of data from one system to another but takes a more comprehensive approach to provide higher availability and resilience. SFTP can also be used to facilitate this.
Access and data loading : SFTP is also commonly used to access shared web hosting and cloud services as a mechanism to load data onto a remote system.
The following fields have to be specified, when using the SFTP interface
Ini file followed by the section name ( <Ini file>.<section> ) containing the SFTP settings for this service.
Remote directory: the directory on the remote server, containing the files to import.
This can be implemented by using PUTTY configuration transaction to import files into the system
File Transfer using Putty Configuration
Follow the below steps to Transfer file from client to server
1.Set up the putty configuration as shown
2.Select the file to transferred .Do a drag and drop
3.Execute the command in DOKA .eg .SWITSK - processing of SWIFT
Follow below GIF to do a File transfer
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