The fields 'General' and 'Stop' can be used to capture Info Texts and Stop Texts relating to the various Static data areas within DOKA. Common areas include Party details, account info, Limits , Fees Currencies, countries.
How these are displayed depends on the display type they have been assigned to. This is especially the
case if the relevant data is to be used in a contract/settlement or if the user is to be prevented
from using the data.
e.g. when working with Accounts ; To delete an account of a party from the database it is important that the respective account is no longer used in any transaction or settlement (even pending). After selecting the respective account click . The account is deleted from the database when delete prompt is confirmed. Given the considerable effects that may ensue, we would recommended first setting a STOP level for the account (using ). After a certain period, the account can then be deleted from the database. The 'STOP' command does not allow the account to be used for any settlement, etc.
STOP levels
1 - Stop new risk (No new Open type transactions - existing ones can proceed to end of life )
2 - Stop payments (No payments out allowed - Amend and Cancel can proceed)
3 - Stop transaction (No new transactions )
9 - Stop processing (Can't even switch panels if in a transaction)
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