'Text modules' are predefined text elements that can be used in many different text fields in many business sector transactions(For instance Import and Export LCs, Guarantees, Collections and so on). This transaction is used to search and to display text modules that are already available.
The transaction (DBITXM) is used to maintain text modules.
In Doka we have an option to have predefined texts stored in text modules.
While processing the transaction user need not type it manually he can select defined text from text module.
For Eg.- While Issuing a Import letter of credit, Description of goods field evidences a text module icon as shown below.
Click on the icon highlighted above – System will evidence all the available predefined code and text
On clicking the arrow icon, system will populate the defined text in respective field.
Such predefined code and texts can be added by bank user additionally. For instance, if bank user wants to add another code (LCRGOD.TEXTILE) and text, User will have to go to the below path:
Static data → Correspondence->Text Modules and define own key and text accordingly and complete the transaction.
The text modules are selected either by first selecting a group using the combo box “Group” (the group name of text modules - several text modules can be assigned to one group) or by entering a module ID in the enabled field to the right. A full list of available IDs can be displayed by entering a question mark ('?') in this field and pressing “Enter”. Text modules can also be searched and selected by clicking the Info button [i].
Select it from the menu item[Static Data -> Correspondence -> Text module].
(Users can directly start this transaction DBITXM by clicking the (Launch transaction ) available in the Panel headline without having to select the relevant menu )
Note: Group name is Defined in code table *[TXMTXT - Text Module], Key, Name ad text fields are user definable.
Now go to Import LC Issuance and check text module icon in description of goods field. We can evidence code created by us – LCRGOD.TEXTILE.
One more additional feature is that we can use the text module code in any other text fields as well.
For eg. In Special Payment condition for beneficiary field – there are no Predefined text available
If you want to use the predefined text in this field, all you have to do is to add a star character before the Text module id like * LCRGOD.TEXTILE and tab out or press enter.
After tabbing out system will default the text defined by us in the respective field.
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