The text modules can have place holders like * within the text, this will allow the users to enter any text manually. Although the text module is editable and user is free to add any text, the advantage of having a dedicated place holders allows users to use “Tab” key to navigate from one placeholder to another within the text and modify it. This saves time for the user, also user would be aware where exactly the manual texts should be added.
Example : For an additional a text with placeholder.
“The invoice should be submitted for * dated *” Now user would be well informed that he/she needs to change/add values in the placeholders else Doka will throw an exception. So the final text may look like “The invoice should be submitted for EUR 1,200 dated 14/05/2022”
The other option is to add placeholders that can fetch data from other fields. For instance if user needs to add the shipment date in the additional conditions field of LITOPN under a text module then the following steps needs to be followed.
Find the field path and field name (Admin User can find these details)
Add the field to the text module.
Now selection of that text module would populate the data automatically in the Additional condition field.
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