What is SFTP?
File Transfer Protocol is a network protocol for transmitting files between computers over Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol connections. Within the TCP/IP suite, FTP is considered an application layer protocol.
- Allows the transfer of multiple files and directories.
- Ability to resume a transfer if the connection is lost.
- Ability put items into a queue to be uploaded or downloaded.
- Allows you to schedule transfers.
- No size limitation on single transfers (browsers only allow up to 2 GB)
SWIFT Integration
The interface to SWIFT applications represents an important feature in working with the application. The system is capable of creating outgoing SWIFT messages as well as receiving incoming SWIFT messages to and from a bank's SWIFT application .
The authentication takes place in the bank's SWIFT application. Several services enable the maintenance of SWIFT messages (incoming and outgoing).
Outgoing Messages
Subject to certain prevailing situations, it may be desirable to create SWIFT messages when processing business transactions in order to communicate with other banks. A pre-condition for such situation is that the relevant bank has been entered - together with its BIC code
The bank has the possibility to agree on bilateral codewords with its correspondent banks. These can be defined by the bank in an ini-file called 'SWTGetAdditionalCodes.ini' for specific message types and field tags without having to exchange a patch.
Outgoing SWIFT messages are prepared for sending when the related transaction has been released .
This can be done using Task manager Task Manager
Acknowledgments are received for all SWIFT messages sent.
Incoming Messages
Incoming messages are accepted by the Manager of Incoming messages - SWITSK from the directory/queue of incoming messages and are automatically registered and processed in the list of pending items under 'Incoming messages'. This channelling or routing of incoming SWIFT messages can be defined. Received acknowledgments will be routed automatically in accordance with system settings.
Workflow to generate SWIFT Outgoing Messages :
Follow the below Steps to generate SWIFT messages in 'data/SWTOUT/ folder :
1.Save a contract successfully with an ability to generate an Outgoing SWIFT message.
2.Check for Services / Workflow in Outgoing messages Task Manager - MGRTSK for service 'COM'.
Execute service 'SWT' under COM .
3.Once the service is executed successfully , check for the outgoing SWIFT message in the SWTOUT folder under 'Data' directory.
Workflow to save a contract using SWIFT Incoming Message :
1.Frame a proper Incoming message , eg .MT707 or MT700 and place it in the directory 'data/SWTIN/'
2.Navigate to Manager for Incoming Messages -SWITSK select the mess to process and execute the service .
3.Once processed successfully , Initiated contract will be available in home screen . Details could be filtered and found .
If the Incoming message has not been set in desired Transaction , it can be rerouted using screen 'SPTROU'- Rerouting of Incoming messages .
4.Transaction can be saved and make it through final .
5.If the message process is successful , file will be moved to arc folder , Error files will be routed to error folder
Sample Templates for Incoming and outgoing messages are attached
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