Sending notification E-Mail
For some message types, it is possible to send the document via E-Mail to a specified recipient.
The send method can be:
Customer specific ( Customer specific programming is required )
Pickup directory ( Copy E-Mail to this directory. File will be picked up from software outside DNG )
SMTP ( Send E-Mail over SMTP )
Unix sendmail( send mail with Unix sendmail )
In the pickup directory E-Mail files will be generated.
In the SMTP block SMTP settings have to be specified.
For Windows System the Convert Line end to 0D0A normally has to be checked.
The Command has to be a URL of the DNG HTML5 client with server and port.
Fields for the E-Mail:
From E-Mail
Default to E-Mail
E-Mail text
For some Incoming Message types, it is even possible to trigger a transaction to be executed when the message is processed:
The E-Mail text should contain the Tag <URL>. This tag will be replaced by the command, extended with a SPT.INR and a transaction name. When the receiver of the E-Mail clicks on this URL the HTML5 client is started and after login it is chained directly into the transaction for the incoming message.
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