Output of any transaction is seen in Messages panel. Every message, regardless of the medium used to create and send, is listed here. You cannot edit the messages themselves but you can decide whether a message is to be compiled using another medium than the default one, and whether it should be really compiled, or suppressed.
Clicking the Search icon in a line will display the relevant message in so-called Pretty Print-format
Clicking the Edit icon will take you to the relevant additional panel for the message. Here, you can [Suppress] active messages and/or [Activate] suppressed messages.
The medium indicated as the primary message output channel in the Messages field of the static data for this recipient is defaulted You can also change the medium, where applicable, indicate the number of copies to be printed out and depending on the medium, correct any address information.
In addition, the panel also enables the user to generate special sender-to-receiver information that is saved with the message, providing this is allowed for this message.

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