Transaction CONLIM
This transaction is used to display all limit requests per business area and per contract to release limits (lines of credit). At the same time, accepted and/or rejected limit requests can be scheduled accordingly. Furthermore, the status of each limit is displayed, as soon as a limit request is selected. Limits or lines of credit can be released manually, whereas the lines of credit can also be exceeded.
A limit request status is set to 'Rejected', if
In such cases, the limit request is set to 'Rejected' and the user can view these rejected entries using 'Show Rejected' checkbox in this transaction or using 'Rejected Modifications' checkbox in DBILSB transaction.
Approve Limits is used to search and select the limits to be released. At first, the business sector is selected. Subsequently, the respective contract is selected via the field “Reference No.” and the icon has to be clicked. The limit to be released can be selected in the table “Limit System Modifications” by double-clicking the respective line or by selecting the line and clicking the icon . In doing so, the other panels of this transaction become visible. The search can be narrowed by using the checkboxes “Show not accepted”, “Show accepted” and “Show rejected”.
Details of Limit Modification panel is used to select the limit concretely. For this purpose, the particular line in the table “Signature” has to be selected, whereby the icons , and are activated. By clicking the icon the line of credit will be accepted. The limit request is completely accepted, when all associated lines of credit have been accepted. By clicking the limit request is rejected and the transaction will be rolled back. Contracts that already have been handled, but are still in a 'pending' state, are marked via the icon , i.e. a decision has not been made yet.
Limit Details panel is used display the details of the used limit. The field “Limit” displays the total amount of the limit, the field “Used” displays the currently used partial amount of the limit, “Open” displays the amount of the limit, that has not been handled yet and therefore has not been decided. The field “Pending” shows the amount of the limit, that has already been handled, but no decision has been made yet.
The Pencil Icon is a short cut to Amend the Limit itself in Static Data , see this article for more on that
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