Transactions for common messages are available for all business sectors and cover:
Free format messages
Request for cancelation of a SWIFT message
Queries and answers
Ancillary Trade Structured Message
When selecting the message type 'Free Correspondence' the message type '499/799' is defaulted. If the default value '499/799' is used, the message type to be sent depends on the business sector. The Document Title and a Narrative are specified in the respective fields and are displayed in the message under Narrative.
Otherwise the message types MT 199, 299 and 499/799 can be selected.
If the message type 'Request for Cancelation' is selected, the message type sent is specified in the option Related MT, and the Date of Message is defined in the field of the same name. This means that an MT 792 is generated if a message type of SWIFT category MT 7xx was selected as the relevant MT, an MT 492 for messages of category MT 4xx and an MT 192 is generated if the message refers to an MT 103.
If the types 'Query' or 'Answer' are used for a received or sent message, the same principle as for 'Request for Cancelation' is used.
If an 'Acknowledgment' is to be sent, only the message date has to be entered in field Date of Message. Clicking on the Messages panel displays the Additional Info panel for the message. The appropriate text for the acknowledgment is specified in field Sender to Receiver Information.
The 'Ancillary Trade Structured Message' can be generated in the import and export LC modules, the guarantees module, reimbursement and participation module. It is a structured message that is intended to be used instead of the unstructured MT799 message. Details of the message can be entered on the Message Details MT759 panel.
In the transaction panel, the user has to enter the message type to be created, the recipients of the message and, where necessary, the recipients of copies.
In each common message transaction text modules of the same name are used for the Narrative field. In transaction LITFRE, for example, text module LITFRE is used
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