Release Notes - DOKA-NG BASE - Version DOKA-NG 2.2.7
This release contains among others
- New transaction SYSETG to copy entity group and entity
- Target2 enhancements
- Various Bug fixes
Bug Fixes and Improvements
- [Improvement] - SR2022: MT765 new 31E guideline with field 72
- [Improvement] - Translation to Spanish
- [Improvement] - SCF - APF module: IACX commission is now displayed in the details screen
- [Improvement] - CBPR+ outgoing: optimize letter if Swift address is not authenticated
- [Improvement] - SYSETG - Copy of Entity Group (ETG) and/or Entity (ETY) incl. all masterfile data
- [Bug Fix] - DOKA Saas: Unable to upload logo in DBIETY
- [Bug Fix] - DOKA SaaS: Logo Branding in /customer/ini/image is not shown
- [Bug Fix] - Datacap attachments miscellaneous documents cannot be opened
- [Bug Fix] - Product functionality: LITTEN + BRTTEN must allow liability adjustment of all possible types
- [Bug Fix] - Target2: Risotto: pacs008/pacs009: Instr for Cred.Agt and Instr for Nxt Agt not correct/
- [Bug Fix] - Target2: Instrn Information to be editable for TELB in pacs.009 message
- [Bug Fix] - Guarantee text filling of variables not working as expected
- [Bug Fix] - DOKA SaaS: DBIMNU Profiles stored in server Ini should move to tenant folder
- [Bug Fix] - Accruals working differently (for in advance and at the end) (Trn COBACR)
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