The General Ledger feed will output something like this :
<TXT1>Charges for GI22H00016</TXT1>
For GLE out put sample in other formats kindly refer article Maintaining GLE Output .
Below is a description of what each tag represents.
Datafields :
Name | Helptext Description | Data Type | Len |
Explanation |
OWNREF | Own Reference number | Text | 10 |
Doka Generated reference number |
INR | Internal Unique ID | Text | 8 |
Unique internal ID of a record within the table. The INR is a text field, which is created by retrieving the next valid entry For contract data the INR also links the two tables xxD and xxT as associated entries hold the same INR. |
INIUSR | Initiating User | Text | 8 | Initiating User |
ACT | Account Number in our Books (Mandatory) | Text | 34 | This mandatory field specifies the account affected by this booking. |
DBTCDT | Debit/Credit (Mandatory) | Text | 1 | This mandatory field specifies whether the entry is a debit (“D”), or a credit (“C”) booking. |
CUR | Booked in Currency (Mandatory) | Text | 3 | This mandatory field specifies the ISO code for the currency of the entry. |
AMT | Booking Amount (Mandatory) | Numeric | 18 | This mandatory field specifies the booking amount in the booking currency. |
SYSCUR | System Currency (Optional) | Text | 3 | The System Currency |
SYSAMT | Booking Amount in System Currency (Optional) | Numeric | 18 | Amount converted to System Currency |
VALDAT | Value Date (Defaults to BUCDAT) | Date | 12 |
This mandatory field contains the value date as accepted or supplied by the user. Unless the original source field is defaulted or set otherwise, the content of the field defaults to “today”. |
BUCDAT | Booking Date (Defaults to Today) | Date | 12 | The field specifies when this booking is effected. |
PRN | Prima Nota | Text | 4 | Prima Nota code |
TXT1 | Booking Text 1 | Text | 40 | Text Field |
TXT2 | Booking Text 2 | Text | 40 | Text Field |
TXT3 | Booking Text 3 | Text | 40 | Text Field |
ETY | Entity | Text | 8 | Entity Name |
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