Transaction DBIJOB
This transaction is used to maintain jobs - create or edit jobs
Possible frequencies for the repetition of jobs are
Only once
Manual execution
Every x minutes
Every hour
Every working day
Every day
Every week
Every month
Every quarter
Every year
If week, month, quarter or year are selected, other entries need to be made to determine when the job is to start. Possible entries here include, for example, 'first working day' or 'last working day'.
The independent, permanently running “Job Manager” ( JOBTSK - Job Task Manager) periodically executes jobs when it reaches the 'Next Execution on' time and afterwards inserts the next execution time.
Jobs marked for 'Manual Execution' can be launched from the selection list for jobs provided in the “Interactive Launch of Selected Job” transaction.
The current status of a job is displayed in the lower part of the panel.
The option Skip execution if job is not executed after <Value> hours” is used to start non-executed jobs automatically at another defined time.
If a specific calendar is selected, this is applied when determining the next starting point. If no specific calendar is selected, the system calendar is defaulted.
Normally, pending jobs with a next start time in the past are executed immediately or immediately upon starting the “Job Manager”. If this field contains a value which is not zero, and if the job has not been executed even after this number of hours following the next starting time entered in the job, a new (future) target time is calculated. This new target time is then calculated based on the last execution date and not from 'now' on.
Creating a Job - DBAJOB
Follow the below gif to add a new Job
After defining an exact point in time or frequency in the upper part of the panel (e.g. in “Adding a Job”) the field “Type of Transaction” is used to select the type of transaction or function. Here, transactions, executables, or scripts (executable programs) are available. In the “Argument(s)” field, command line arguments for the transaction or the script can be specified.
After the fields have been filled in, specified values can be stored in the Job System via the icon . By clicking the user returns to the Job System.
It is also possible to set another entity in the arguments. The other entity can then be used in the job execution, for example.
“Switch -ety <Entity>”
The entity group is set from the entity.
When the checkbox “Entitywise Execution” is set, a multiple execution of this job will take place for all entities visible to the user. The job-entry will display the particular entity this job is currently processed for.
If after canceling a JOB is reset, it can then either be proceeded with the next scheduled JOB-execution with this (last processed) entity the execution of the list of entities or processed from the beginning of the complete list of all matching entities.
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