All contracts , and the Transactions needed to create them will need Party information - the people we are doing with Business with. Whilst Beneficiary details can be created on the fly, our Customers, and Banks need to be created in advance.
The transaction DBIPTY is used to work with parties.
Launch the transaction DBIPTY from menu Static Data -> Parties -> Main -> Party.
To create a new party click the + icon.
It is also possible to launch the transaction DBAPTY from the Launch transaction menu directly.
Details needed to add a party
The party number used to identify the customer.
The external Party Name is created automatically and consists of the first line of the name and the name of the city.
There are several types of party, and a party can be of more than one type. Select the checkbox(es) that apply
e.g. If the party is a bank, check the respective checkbox.
If the party is a client, check the respective checkbox.
If the party is an address for us, the bank, then Own Address has to be checked.
This makes it possible to select the party when it comes to defining an entity address.
If the party is a Buyer/Supplier, check the respective checkbox.
For all other types of parties check Other.
If the relative party is a Bank, enter the BIC code. This then makes it possible to select “Authenticator” in the “Authentication of Address” panel. If an authentication agreement exists with the respective party, 'Authenticated' has to be selected. If no direct authentication agreement exists with the respective bank but the bank has a SWIFT connection, select 'Connected'. In this case, only MT999 messages are created. No SWIFT messages are created if 'Not Connected' parties are used, even if a BIC code has been entered, since SWIFT cannot be selected as outgoing message type.
“Bankcode” represents the German Bankleitzahl and can only be used for banks and financial institutions domiciled in Germany, while in “Clearing” the national clearing agency CHIPS (US) or CHAPS (UK) can be inserted.
In “Language” (mandatory), a default language is to be chosen for outgoing messages. The following languages are available: German, English, French, Spanish and Italian. The relevant languages can only be used if appropriate model documents were generated for the relevant language. If not, the default language will be used for outgoing messages.
“Messages” (mandatory): The preferred form of correspondence for this Party (if this form of correspondence is available in the relevant business transaction). In the case of electronic forms of correspondence, in addition the relevant electronic addresses need to be entered, were necessary with an authenticator.
“Housebank”: The number of an existing party which represents the principal bank, or house bank, for the new party. Check “Use Accounting of Housebank” if these are to apply to the new party. The company's principal bank/house bank accounts should only be used if the new party does not maintain its own accounts.
“Headquarters”: The number of an existing party representing the headquarters for the new party. Check “Use Accounting of Headquarter” if these are to apply to the new party. The headquarters' accounts should only be used if the new party does not maintain its own accounts.
“Account Manager”: The ID of the party serving the party's account and which deals with all transactions and negotiates the conditions that apply to the party, has to be inserted.
Entering all the below mandatory data required for the respective party.
Party No,
Language ,
Click the save icon(tick icon).
Transaction Panels :
Party -> Party related information fields.
Details -> Further fields, Risk control.
T2 RTGS IDs -> BIC codes required for payments in the “Target2 RTGS payment system”. For Target2 RTGS participants, all fields must be filled to address parties correctly.
Info and Stop text -> General Information displayed in line with the defined situation.
Structured Infotext panel -> If the party is used , Hints and instructions including attached documents, will be visible in the business transactions matching the selected category,
Further information on the category definition is available under Maintaining Categories.
The panel is only visible if the Structured Infotext is activated in transaction Maintaining System Configuration.
Authentication of Address -> Further information available under BIC Authentication
Further Info- and Stoptext ->
Routing Information ->
Please further refer the article to add a Temporary Party within a transaction.
See also articles for IMPADR for Upload of Address and its Field mapping.
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