The Fees and Commissions play a vital role for every transactions. They are used when fees are to be settled/charged during the life cycle of a contract.
Such Fees includes expenses occurred for Swift Messages, Handling Fee, Postal Fee, Interest Fee, Liability commission, Amendment commission, Agents commission, Assignment Fee, Discrepancy Fee, Settlement Fee, Advising Fee and so on.
Fee conditions are an extension of the Fee codes.
When a Fee is first set up, a Default condition is created. This can be overridden by the creation of a Fee condition at one of the available levels :
The fee condition will then allow most of the values to be set with a different value for that condition.
The most common example would be setting a different Margin for a particular Customer
To maintain Fee Conditions for the Fee codes, DBIFEC transaction is used.
Select it from the menu item[Static Data -> Fee/Interest -> Fee Condition].
(Administrator and designer users can directly start this transaction by clicking the (Launch transaction ) available in the Panel headline without having to select the relevant menu )
To add a new Fee condition, click on the to create a new fee condition.
Note that all the details inherited from the Default condition, are shown in Green. Values local to this condition are in White.
When you have made your changes, click on the ( ) Save function to save all the the data entered in the transaction to the database.
Please refer below link for Fee related articles: DBIATC - Transaction Configuration for fees and diaries,
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