Transaction PDXTSK
This Transaction controls the execution of the PDX service, which is used to recalculate existing transactions based on current exchange rates.
When you key in a transaction wit foreign currency involved , the rates shown on screen will be the most up to date exchange rates available. That could be yesterday's rate , or one from ages ago.
Therefore, before the transaction can become final, it needs to revalidate everything with today's rate.
The service loads the transaction and carries out a complete redefault as if the transaction had been set to Repair then immediately retrieved again.
The service updates all relevant rates in the transaction, opens the current terms and conditions and automatically runs a recalculation based on the new rates. The complete transaction is then saved in the database. The service replaces existing documents with newly created documents. If the transaction cannot be saved - because error messages have been issued by a check rule function, for example - the transaction is set for Repair and must be processed manually.
The Settlement panel in the transaction screens allows the user to configure whether a recalculation of the transaction with new rates needs to be applied.
An execution date can be entered for the PDX service on the Settlement Details panel. If such a date has been entered, the service is executed when this date has been reached.
If a transaction is stored again under the PDXTSK Task Manager, all warnings already read once will be ignored.
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