Transaction IMPTSK
IMPTSK Transaction is used to import data into the system. It is possible to import various types of data. For each type, a row needs to be added in the import grid and the definition set.
Data can be retrieved from the file system or using IBM MQSeries messaging. This data will be passed as files to an existing import transaction.
Configuration of the file interface
In this case only file input directory and the file extension have to be specified.
Follow the below GIF to add a new Import and process :
Parameters can be passed in the import process to update any table , to process any particular case else to manipulate the data .This field can be found in the configuration panel .
for eg . When uploading - Exchange rate (IMPXRT) , field "UPDGLBRAT" value can be passed in the parameter field to enable/disable update of the GL balance for all currencies in the system
Configuration of the ftp interface
The following fields have to be specified, when using the FTP interface
Ini file followed by the section name ( <Ini file>.<section> ) containing the ftp settings for this service.
Remote directory: the directory on the remote server, containing the files to import.
Refer the article for detailed info on FTP : What and Why FTP
Configuration of MQ Interfaces
Manager = MQSeries Queue Manager
Queue = MQSeries Queue
The connection can be set using the environment variable MQSERVER, or can be set for each import type with the following values; Checkbox Set Connection must be checked.
If the connection is to be encoded, checkbox Use SSL has to be checked; key repository and cipher must be defined.
Technical requirements
The sender has to set the format field in the MQ Series message to MQFMT_STRING. Sender and receiver have to set the CCSID to 1208.
For More Detail on MQ Refer the article MQ - Interface Incoming Messages
Configuration of the Kafka interface
The following fields have to be specified, when using the Kafka interface
Ini file: Ini file with the consumer settings
Topic: The topic from which the import data is received
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