You may find that your business involves several transactions that require adjustments to be made to your Diaries or Fees Involved . These adjustments can be made by overriding the defaulted values as you key the transaction, or amending the diaries themselves after save. However this method can be limiting. It requires more time and effort, and must be done every time you use that transaction.
DBIATC is a very useful feature in DOKA SAAS that allows you to re-configure the defaulted Fees and Diaries according to your business needs. This article will explain the Transaction Configuration feature, show you how to access its benefits.
Transaction DBIATC
This transaction is used to maintain transaction configurations.
Transaction configurations are used to override or complete the hard-coded requests of particular rules in business transactions.
By means of the configuration panel, the following types can be overridden:
'Save Diary' (rule TrnDiaSet) - for creating or modifying diaries
'Store fee' (rule AddFeeData) - for storing fees in the settlement
After entering at least one search term in the fields Transaction, Type or Code, the transaction configuration matching the selection will be displayed in the table on the Search Panel.
By double-clicking an entry a definition will be displayed on the configuration panel.
More details available in the article DBIATC in Detail
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