Detailed Explanation of DBIATC
The following operations are allowed in the below Transaction
1.To add New Records - Fees/Diaries to configure Transaction
2.To modify or update Existing Records
3.To delete Unwanted Records
4.Version log for Tracking modification of Records
5.To Print
Common steps to follow to add New Fee/Diaries configuration :
1.Launch screen DBIATC
2.Feed in the transaction to be configured eg. GITCOM, GITOPN
3.Select the type of Entry - Fee/Diary
4.Summary panel populates all the relevant Configurations saved .
5.When double clicked existing records , it redirects to Transaction configuration screen which describes the setting in detail
6.To add a new record and provide the required details . Refer the below article to check for field reference DBIATC -Field Requirements
7.Record should be successfully saved and populated in the selection summary panel
Follow the below GIF To add New Fee Configuration Transaction :
Follow the below GIF to save Diaries in DBIATC
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