For static data details and for each business sector, there is an Info transaction which is used to display available data. These Info transactions can be started directly via the [i] icon in the Ribbon, or by clicking the Info icon [i] next to any Info capable field (e.g. Contract Ref).
Info transactions cannot be used to amend existing data; they only deliver information or transfer data. Amendments can only be carried out in the business transactions, static data transactions or in the system settings.
After clicking the icon, the user receives a tabular display of information that matches the search criteria. More detailed information can be gained by double-clicking the entry in the list, or by highlighting the entry and clicking the icon.
If the Info transaction has been started from another transaction, the information available can be transferred to the transaction in current use by clicking .
This allows the use of Contract Templating when creating new transactions; You search for a similar contract and then pull those details in to a new Open transaction using the and then overwrite the Parties, amounts, etc, with the correct details
In System parameters (DBISYS ) you can set a checkbox “Start Info transaction in separate session” .
When activated, any Info transaction will be started in a separate session. This allows to view one contract while editing another. Only one Info transaction at a time can be started from a client. When attempting to start a second Info transaction, a previously open Info transaction is initially used, with this changing to the sector required.
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