Transaction CCRGEN
This transaction is used to create cross-business sector reports of the complete documentary foreign trade of a bank or organization.
Based on the cross-sector contract table - CCI (abbreviation for 'Common Contract Information') it is possible to create common contract reports with the report generator. Besides all parties of all contracts it is also possible to create reports of the volume of trade, the received liability, the calculated fees and charges and the number of transactions. Furthermore, reports for specific message channels or foreign charges can also be created. In case specific additional fields like regional codes, types of customers, or department codes have been implemented for a bank, reports can also be created for these fields, if the installation-specific additional fields have been added to the CCI table.
The created report can either be output in HTML or PDF format. In order to display also in-depth details, it is also possible to output the data as CSV file via a spreadsheet.
Follow the below gif to create a Report for all sectors :
1.Launch screen CCRGEN through fast path
2.Navigate to Fields panel. Here you can give your report a title, and select which fields are to be included in the report.
The following details are available in this panel
a. Title of the report to be displayed
b. List of Fields to be included
To choose which fields to include, use the Available modules tree .
This shows all the tables available in this business sector and for any table (on the left tree) you can see all the attributes (on the right tree). The right hand tree also splits the data in to Key fields, ordinary data fields , and INR fields (INR is the internal reference number for things like Parties )
When you click on + Field they are added to the List of fields included in report
Use the Up and Down buttons to reorder them and add numbers in the Sort column to set the sort sequence
Add in any Formatting (See below) and you can use the Details button to set additional functions such as summing functions or concatenating fields together.
If a field is to be used as a condition e.g. we want everything created this Quarter, then Select the field in the List of fields and click the + Cond button to add it as a condition
3.check Conditions panel to provide filter conditions on what value basis the report to be generated
Again , you can use the Details button to drill down to fine tune the condition
NB If using Type of Condition; Compare Field with List; the list should be quoted values separated by a space e.g. 'Apples' 'Pears' 'Grapes'
4.Layout setting panel lets you configure the following details
a. Which elements will be printed - definitions, Summaries, details.
A common usage is to suppress the details and just put out the summary totals.
b. Leading infotext - This is a report header which is printed at the top of the report
5.Report setting panel lets you configure the following details
a. Storage path of the RPT file - where it will be saved. Make sure it is under your Customer folder !
b. Report Title
c. Info text of Report - This will not be printed in the report, but is intended as notes for any users
d. Output format - HTML/PDF/CSV/XML/JSON
e. Path where the output is stored - different to (a) which is the report definition template
If you have customized the settings you can Save As to create a new report.
Once you are ready to generate the report Click on the Process Icon.
A user can also trim the displayed contents of a field by going into the details field and truncate output.
For instance, OWNREF might be reduced from LI23H000001 to just '000001' or '23'.
Field Panel Formatting available :
Formatting | Description |
bx | Links the current column with the following column, separating them with a space (s), comma (c) or with a new line (r) and presents the content in the column of the field selected. It is possible to apply this formatting across several columns in a row, for example, to display four columns in a single column. |
cx | Display of the total number in the footer of the sorting level defined by x of all lines in the sorting level. |
dxxxxxx | Provides the long text version of the code stored in the field. If the long text version cannot be displayed, the content of the field is displayed in the column. |
e | Disables the output of this column in the details line. The content of this column can nevertheless still be displayed in the header and/or footer. |
ex | Disables the output of this column when the previous entry for the same column had the same value. This only applies to columns on the same sorting level. |
fx | Also displays the column in the footer. x defines the sorting level. |
hx | Also displays the column in the header. x defines the sorting level. |
i | This field is for internal use only (e.g. to limit/restrict a selection) and cannot be listed in a header, a footer or in the detail entry of a report. |
n | Defines the column as numeric. Numeric columns have right alignment . |
nax.y | Defines the column as an amount. When formatting the column in connection with a currency, the column can also be defined via x.y which contains the currency. x describes the instance and y the field name. As standard, the content of the previous column is assumed to be a currency. Entering na~ formats the amount in line with the system currency. |
rx | Limits additions and/or counting to the first records in each case, up to the sorting level entered. This means, for example, that amounts over 1:n dealings are not output repeatedly. Example of the use of rx: A report is to be generated listing the Own Reference, the Applicant, the Currency, the Amount, the Equivalent Amount and the Transactions processed in a Guarantee. Sorting is to follow the sequence: Applicant, Own Reference and Transaction. In order to indicate the total sum of the equivalent amount, entries in this column have to be added together. But since several transactions can be processed per guarantee, simply adding together all these entries would mean that some entries have been included more than once. Entering r2 prevents multiple additions. A note on formatting for this specific example: With fields from the Guarantee, the Currency and the Amounts formatting codes e and h2, or only e2, should be used. Similarly, with fields from the Applicant formatting codes e and h1, or only e1, should be used. This avoids the multiple inclusion of identical entries and makes things more easily readable. |
sx | Displays the total amount in the footer of the sorting level defined by x of all lines in the sorting level. When displaying totals, make sure that the currency is output in the previous column so that the totals can be formatted correctly. |
tx | Defines the column as a date. The optional x defines the format of the date. As standard, the short form is used (i.e. 2-digit day, 2-digit month, 2-digit year). Options include s (the short form) and l (the long form) as well as an entry for the formatting character, such as DD.MMMMM.YYYYY, in line with the function FmtDate(). This form should only be used if absolutely necessary, as it can have a negative impact on performance. |
nt | The formatting code for date and time within fields (n = numerical; t = Time) |
ntl | The formatting code for date and time within fields (n = numerical; t = Time; l = long [hh:mm:ss]) |
wx | The formatting code for the width of a column. The X can represent the following values: x = Number of characters instead of number out of the database resp. out of the codetable x = Number + relative width in % x = Absolute width of the column (in mm or cm) |
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