Why Automatic Execution of Reports ?
Do you often find yourself spending hours manually extracting data cutting and pasting to create reports, and then have to repeat the whole thing, time and time again? Consolidating data across sources, crunching numbers and creating reports can be a tedious process. Nobody likes doing the same things over and over. How much better it would be if you could simply automate report generation.
It is used in business to automatically generate and share specific information, to selected people, on a pre-decided time interval. Automated reports can cover several operations areas but are often related to key performance indicators, financials, and other time-dependent information.
Benefits of Report Automation
- Reduces manual, labour-intensive tasks like retrieving data sets, plugging in numbers, and compiling data. The tasks that burden and stress out your employees each reporting cycle are done in the background. Meanwhile, they can focus on their primary responsibilities.
- Reduces the risk of human error by getting the same data from the same location and delivering it into the reporting, in the same way every time. This boosts trust in the information being reported for more confident business decisions.
- Saves time and money by cutting time spent on reporting each week. This could add significant billable hours to your business’s capacity each year. You get the reports and analysis you need while leaving capacity for growth.
- Frees up technical talent for creative tasks. Rather than responding to repetitive, simple data requests from the business, technical specialists can focus on data projects with greater business value.
- Standardizes reporting since data and insights are so much more readily available. This consistency also allows you to set more traceable KPIs across the business.
There is effort required in the initial implementation of an automated workflow. But the long-lasting benefits far outweigh that up-front investment.
Automatic Execution in DOKA :
This features is possible in DOKA using our Task manager JOBTSK -JOBTSK - Job Task Manager and SYSMGR .
Follow the below detailed steps to Execute reports Automatically :
1.Design a report of your choice .eg GIRGEN , CCRGEN etc and check the launch of report
3.Configure a new Job in DBIJOB - For complete details refer to the article DBIJOB -Maintaining Jobs .
4.Feed in mandatory fields like JOB Code, timing and scheduling details .
5. In the 'Transaction' field, enter the report to run (eg .CCRGEN,BCRGEN ), then click on the arg parameters icon to set up any necessary arguments etc. This will launch the transaction named and Save any settings done there for when the job runs. There is an extra Save Settings button in the ribbon for this before you go 'Back' to DBIJOB.
On click of arguments , Doka navigates to the arguments page :
6.Do check 'Entity wise Execution' check box if its a multi- entity setup and require execution individually .
7.User can recheck/ modify the configuration in DBEJOB and modify required details.
8.Launch screen - JOBEXE to initiate the Job which we have configured and populate in the panel.
9.Try executing the job. Once done successfully status will be changed to finish / Finished with error depending on the execution status and updated in DBIJOB.
10.User will be able to see the configured job in JOBTSK. Once Scheduled in SYSMGR - Transaction - SYSMGR, JOBTSK will now run regularly as scheduled.
11.Once Job is executed , user will be able to see the report in any format selected in the destined path .
DBIJOB Screenshot :
Running JOBTSK in the foreground to test a job:
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