This transaction is used to import limit data into the database of the application. The text file to be imported is selected via path and file name and will be imported by clicking the icon. The log file for this transaction can be displayed by clicking the
icon. The log shows information about the updated and added records.
In the Developer Documentation further information about the Standard Import Procedures and customization requirements can be found.
Note: The subdirectory BATIN must be created in the DATA directory of the application. The converted import file has to be in that subdirectory. The structure of the import file depends on each individual environment and has to be clarified between the user and Surecomp DOS.
The file has to be available in ASCII format and has to have a .txt extension.
Import File Requirements
Field seperator: The fields have to be seperated by tabulator
Fieldsize: All fields must have not more than the in column “max. Size” specified length
Fieldformat: The fields must have the in column “Datatype” specified format
Character set: ASCII
Field Mapping
Field particulars | Description | Datatype | max. Size | Comment/Remark |
ETG - Entity Group | EXTKEY of Entity Group | Text | 8 | MyModelbank values are Surecomp, NCB |
LSB - Limit System Balance | Limit Type | Text | 3 | codes to be used “CTY” for country “HEQ” for Headquarter “PTY” for Party “FCL” for Facility “BUS” for Business Sector |
EXTKEY | EXTKEY of respective Limit Type | Text | 24 | For party, headquarter, facility, business sector limits, use party EXTKEY For country limits, use country code (e.g DE for Germany) For PSB (pairing buyer supplier) limits, use psb EXTKEY |
LSB - Limit System Balance | Expiry date of the Limit | Date | 6 | Date format - YYMMDD (will be ignored if limit status is Unlimited) |
LSB - Limit System Balance | Status of Limit | Text | 1 | Codes to be used “empty”- for NO Limit “B” for Blocked “N” for Normal “U” for Unlimited |
Non Revolving Limit | Non Revolving Limit | Text | 1 | codes to be used N- for Non revolving |
FAC - Facility Information | Facility ID | Text | 34 | Mandatory if limit type is party/facility & party/facility/bus. sector |
Business Sector | Business Sector | Text | 2 | Code to be used are based on System codetable “BUSTXT”. For e.g GI for Guarantee, LI for Import L/C etc., |
LSB - Limit System Balance | Limit Currency | Text | 3 | currency code |
LSB - Limit System Balance | Limit Value | Numeric | 18 |
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