Import Collections are documentary collections received from another bank (normally from abroad) and are usually intended for the customer of the bank (the drawee), which is the payee of the collection.
Before the documents are received, it is quite possible that goods have already been released or that a shipping guarantee has been issued. In either case, a reference number for an import collection will already exist. When processing the import collection, the user should check for the existence of such a contract.
Document Collection:
Document collection is the collection of trade documents like invoices or transport documents which can also be accompanied by financial documents. Depending on the collection conditions the documents are presented to the drawee on payment, acceptance, usance payment or mixed payment.
Clean Collection:
Clean collections are collections of financial documents as opposed to trade documents. These documents represent a promise to pay a certain amount on a specified due date. They are typically issued in relation to trade, but do not represent goods or the trade itself.
Examples of such financial documents are: drafts, documents of exchange, promissory notes, checks, etc.
In a clean collection financial documents that are reaching their due date are presented to the drawee through a collecting bank.
To create a new Import Collection contract, BCTPOP transaction is used.
Select it from the menu item[Import Products -> Import Collection -> Main -> Pre-open].
(Users can directly start this transaction by clicking the (Launch transaction ) available in the Panel headline without having to select the relevant menu)
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