LIMOPN - transaction is used to transfer an Import L/C that already exists in a legacy system to the current system.
A unique reference number needs to be filled in. The open amount may be changed.
After saving the contract, at least all mandatory fields are filled, so that the contract can be processed directly in the current system.
Refer attached excel file - Migration_limopn.xlsx for mapping of fields
Steps Involved :
1.Find the target files in the migrate folder under data directory .
2.Ensure the file name is according to standards for eg .file extension to be mig, module name should be the prefix etc.
3.Load the file and check 'include all *mig files...." option
4.User can view the file using icon
5.Click icon to import the contract .
6.Contract will be loaded , provide unique reference and other fields if required and save .
7.An Import L/C will be created and procedure follows the same .Check for the field mapping below
Field Mapping
Field Tag | Destination Field | Destination Field Name |
C001 | LIDGRP\REC\OWNREF | Reference number of the contract |
C002 | LIDGRP\ADV\PTS\REF | Advising Bank Reference |
C003 | LIDGRP\REC\OPNDAT | Issuing Date |
C004 | LIDGRP\REC\EXPPLC | Place of Expiry |
C005 | LIDGRP\CBS\NOM1\CUR | Nominal Amount Currency |
C006 | LIDGRP\CBS\OPN1\AMT | Open Amount |
C007 | LIDGRP\CBS\NOM1\AMT | Nominal Amount |
C008 | LIDGRP\APL\PTS\REF | Applicant Reference |
C009 | LIDGRP\BEN\PTS\ADRBLK | Beneficiary Address Block |
C010 | LIDGRP\REC\OLDREF | Alternate Reference |
C011 | LIDGRP\REC\EXPDAT | Expiry Date |
C012 | LIDGRP\REC\STAGOD | Goods Code |
C013 | LIDGRP\REC\SHPDAT | Latest Shipment Date |
C016 | LIDGRP\REC\CREDAT | Creation Date (Opening or Registry) |
C018 | LIDGRP\REC\NOMSPC | Amount Specification |
C023 | LIDGRP\REC\STACTY | Country Code (Risk Country) |
C024 | LIDGRP\BEN\PTS\EXTKEY | Beneficiary External Key |
C30A | LIDGRP\REC\NOMTOP | Positive Amount Tolerence |
C30B | LIDGRP\REC\NOMTON | Negative Amount Tolerence |
C031 | LIDGRP\REC\CNFDET | Confirmation Instructions |
C033 | LIDGRP\BLK\AVBWTHTXT | Available In |
C034 | LIDGRP\REC\AVBWTH | Available With |
C040 | LIDGRP\REC\LCRTYP | Form of Documentary Credit |
C041 | LIDGRP\REC\AVBBY | Available by |
C042 | LIDGRP\REC\SHPPAR | Partial Shipment |
C043 | LIDGRP\REC\SHPTRS | Transshipment |
C045 | LIDGRP\REC\CHATO | Charges Condition for L/C |
C054 | LIDGRP\REC\DOMFLG | Domestic |
C057 | LIDGRP\BLK\DEFDET | Deferred Payment Details |
C058 | LIDGRP\BLK\DFTAT | Drafts at |
C060 | LIDGRP\BLK\MIXDET | Mixed Payment Details |
B439 | MTABUT\CONINF\OITINF\OIT\INFTXT | General Information |
B440 | LIDGRP\REC\SHPFRO | Dispatch From |
B441 | LIDGRP\REC\SHPTO | Final Destination |
B450 | LIDGRP\BLK\LCRDOC | Documents Required |
B460 | LIDGRP\BLK\LCRGOD | Description of Goods |
B470 | LIDGRP\BLK\ADLCND | Additional Conditions |
B480 | LIDGRP\BLK\PREPER | Presentation Period |
B780 | LIDGRP\BLK\INSBNK | Instructions to Pay, Accept, Negotiating Bank |
C202 | LIDGRP\APL\PTS\EXTKEY | Applicant External Key |
A202 | LIDGRP\APL\PTS\ADRBLK | Applicant Address Block |
C204 | LIDGRP\ADV\PTS\EXTKEY | Advising Bank External Key |
A204 | LIDGRP\ADV\PTS\ADRBLK | Advising Bank Address Block |
C206 | LIDGRP\RMB\PTS\EXTKEY | Reimbursement Bank External Key |
A206 | LIDGRP\RMB\PTS\ADRBLK | Reimbursement Bank Address Block |
C208 | LIDGRP\CON\PTS\EXTKEY | Confirming Bank External Key |
A208 | LIDGRP\CON\PTS\ADRBLK | Confirming Bank Address Block |
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