How to Import Interest Rate :
Importing of Interest Rate comprises of two steps mainly
1. Importing of files into the system using SFTP Refer Section Importing files - SFTP
2. Processing of the Imported file using IMPIRS
Check the below article for field mapping and file requirements
IMPIRS - Field mapping and File requirements
Importing of files into system
Please follow the below gif and the step mentioned to upload files into the system :
1.Set up the putty configuration as shown
2.Select the file to be transferred .Do a drag and drop to path "/giga/tfaas_p/customers/investec/data/irsin"
Processing of the Imported file using IMPIRS
This transaction is used to import interest rates into the database of the application.
The text file to be imported is selected via path and file name and will be imported by clicking the icon.
The log file for this transaction can be displayed by clicking the icon . The log shows information about the updated and added records.
The following steps are needed process the imported file :
1.Navigate to transaction "IMPIRS".
2.Select the file path "server:/giga/tfaas_p/customers/sandbox/data/irsin" and file name from the drop down available
3.Click upload Icon on top left
4.User can check logs to know the status of the upload using icon
5.User can check for the imported record in "DBIIRS"
Refer File Interest_rate_import.txt file for reference
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